Interview Report
Theme: The Impact of Pandemic Covid-19 On Societies` Economic
Platform: Google Meet
Date: 20 May 2021
Time: 11.30am
Guest Details:
Name: Muhammad Sharul Nizam bin Nazrin
Age: 20 years old
Status: Grocery shop owner
On 20 May 2021, I had conducted an interview with Mr.Muhammad Sharul Nizam bin Nazrin , a grocery shop owner. In this interview, I prepared a few questions related to my group’s theme for Mr.Muhammad Sharul Nizam bin Nazrin. He gave some good responses and his opinions regarding the questions. The conversation during the interview was in Malay language. The details of the conversation had been translated into English language as shown below .
Interview details
Question 1: What do you think about the covid-19 that is plaguing the world right now?
Respond: In my opinion, Covid-19 is a disease that is very dangerous to humans, covid-19 is also a disease that cannot be seen by the naked eye but it can attack the human body system
Question 2: Are your business affected during this pandemic ?
Respond: Yes, my business was slightly affected due to the covid-19 epidemic that hit the country. My business was affected due to the lack of customers who visited my premises due to concerns that the covid-19 epidemic continued to spread.
Question 3: How do you solve this problem?
Respond: My way to solve this problem is that I offer COD service or direct home delivery to curb this covid-19.
Question 4: What is the assistance channeled by the government to small businesses?
Respond: I received assistance which is a special caring grant, the assistance obtained was only RM3000. With that help it somewhat reduced my burden to continue my business.
Question 5: What are the recommendations to the authorities to help small businesses to survive in a pandemic situation?
Respond: My suggestion is for the government to increase or add more value to the assistance of each small business so that the business runs smoothly and can reduce the huge burden to weather this pandemic.
( Evidence of the interview )
Prepared by : Faiz Helmi
"#I never learn anything talking. I only learn things when I ask questions. "
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