Google Form Survey

Our group has conducted a google form survey for the effect of pandemic covid-19 on societies’ economies. This survey is open for one week from 18 May 2021 to 25 May 2021 and responded by a total of 30 people. The questions and the responses are shown in the figures below.


Forms response chart. Question title: Age. Number of responses: 30 responses.

Based on the data we have collected, we know that our respondents are between 18-53 years old, with an average age of 32.


Forms response chart. Question title: Your Job. Number of responses: 30 responses.

The bar chart above shows the job of the respondents.


Forms response chart. Question title: What challenge(s) did you face during the pandemic of covid-19?. Number of responses: 30 responses.

The bar graph shows most of them experience pay cut (23.3%) and do not have much income (63.35%) during the pandemic of covid-19. Then, a worker in the restaurant industry and a salesman suffered unpaid suspensions due to the Movement control order (MCO). The other challenges are unemployment, company closed, no increment, increase of expenses, no incentive bonus, and raw materials prices increases.

How to solve it?

Forms response chart. Question title: How did you solve that challenge(s)?. Number of responses: 30 responses.

To solve the challenges they faced in this pandemic, 26.7% of them prefer to start an online business and 56.7% of them use savings to meet the increased daily expenses. From the graph, they also find a part-time job (13.3%), bank loans (3.3%), adjust family expenses (3.3%) and spend less (3.3%) to survive in this new normal life.

Expenses increase?

Forms response chart. Question title: During the Movement Control Order (MCO), did your family's daily expenses increase compared to before?. Number of responses: 30 responses.

From the pie chart above, 56.7% of the respondents think their family’s expenses increase during the MCO compared to before. However, the rest of the respondents thought there was no increase in their daily expenses (same as before).  

Bantuan prihatin from government?

Forms response chart. Question title: Did you receive any package of 'Bantuan Prihatin' from the government? If yes, what are them?. Number of responses: 30 responses.

The pie chart shows over half of the respondents didn’t receive any subsidies from the government during this pandemic of covid-19.  30% of them received the ‘Bantuan Prihatin Rakyat (BPR)’ and 3.3% of them received ‘Geran Khas Prihatin (GKP)’ and ‘e-PENJANA’ respectively.

Does it help you?

Forms response chart. Question title: In your opinion, do you think it (Bantuan Prihatin) will help you during the pandemic of covid-19?. Number of responses: 30 responses.

From the pie chart above, 90% of the respondents think the ‘Bantuan Prihatin’ from the government will help them solve the financial problems during the pandemic, and only a small part of respondents (10%) deny it.

Above all, we can know that the challenges faced by society during the pandemic of covid-19 are pay cuts, not much income, unpaid suspension, the business closed and so on. Besides, most of their daily expenses increase during this pandemic, and they only can use their savings to maintain it. Furthermore, many of them didn’t receive subsidies from the government, and only some of them received BPR, BPN, BSH and e-PENJANA. Fortunately, the ‘Bantuan Prihatin’ from the government can help improve their financial situation. Therefore, it clearly shows that the covid-19 pandemic has greatly affected the social economy, so we hope the pandemic situation in our country can return to normal.

Prepared by

Wei Han

#The future will be better tomorrow


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